Sunday, January 17, 2010

Henry Poole is Here - Radha Mitchell

Radha Mitchell

Rating - 3/5 Stars

Don't you just hate movies that make you want to kill yourself. This is the second movie in row. This movie tops "House of Sand and Fog." I am usually entertained by the movies I watch, but I cannot stand these two. I am a little pissed that I have to write a review about this movie.
The way the movie was put together was alright, but obviously the writer of this movie has either tried to kill himself or wrote it then killed himself. He even tried to make it happy at the end which completely ruined the movie. The ending would have been better if Owen died from his original disease. At least a dying person could have said he screwed Radha Mitchell as his last girl.

Radha Mitchell is an Aussie with typical green swimmer hair. You know, it looks greasy and chlorine treated. Other than her hair, she has a pretty nice body that was pleasing to the eye. Radha also did not wear a bra during the movie, so viewers knew exactly what she was offering.

In any other movie she would have been a 4/5, but this movie was awful. I can't believe a friend of mine told me to watch this movie. Next time I will make sure to give him the suicide hot line number.

I need to watch a good movie with a sexy actress. These last couple of movies have just made me pissed off about the women. I would like to think good wondrous things about the actresses, not nasty horrid things.

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