Friday, January 8, 2010

Star Trek - Zoe Zaldana

Zoe Zaldana = fine

Rating 5/5

First off, Star Trek nerds can kiss my ass. I never liked Star Trek, but this movie was bad ass. Special effects these days can give any man an orgasm. Independence Day was awesome when it first came out, but today's movies blow that movie out of the water.

Now lets get back to you Zoe. You are so hot that during the movie I was getting the chills. Thank you for being so beautiful. One thing I question is your name in the movie, Uhura. I don't watch Star Trek, but that must be your name in the old TV show. Also, why did you have to fall for another species like a Vulcan; that's lame. You need to drop Spock come to Louisiana where I will show you how to live. But, you are hot and probably do what ever you want; most hot women do just that. I know you are in Avatar, too, so I cannot wait to see you in that, even though you will be a blue alien. But, in all seriousness, I want your bod, and that little tattoo on your pelvis; ooo la la.

You were Actress of the Week

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