Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Year One - June Diane Raphael and Olivia Wilde

June Diane Raphael

Rating 3/5 Stars

June is not that hot. She looks a pale bimbo, and she played a raging bitch in this movie. What did Jack Black have to do to get this girl? He had to basically become Jesus just to get a kiss from this raging bitch. She played a shallow and non loving character, and I hope that is all she ever amounts to because she is a horrible actress and should not be allowed on screen. The other hot lady, Olivia Wilde, looks like an Egyptian goddess. I have seen her before in TV shows, and have always thought to myself; "Who is that girl?" In the movie, Jack Black should have been with Olivia instead of June. If we are comparing the two, Olivia is hotter than June, so Olivia wins. Screw you June!

This movie sucked anyway. Every funny part was drawn out too long, just like SNL these days.

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